Dynamic Desktop - Desktop replacement Software

Dynamic DesktopDynamic Desktop

This is an archive-page. The program Dynamic Desktop used to be at http://www.geocities.com/wvw/dd.html. Since Geocities died sometime ago, I created this one.

Dynamic Desktop is an application designed to serve as a replacement for your desktop. I designed it in 2002 because I didn't like the behaviour of the desktops of PC's. This version is nothing more than a first implementation of an idea. The program is referenced in a patent application of AOL, America Online. They never contacted me :-(

Eventually, Dynamic Desktop grew into a new program called Folder View, which got some very nice reviews in PC Magazines. It mainly integrates in Windows Explorer. I would like to take the best parts of both programs to create something great, but that takes too much time I'm afraid.

What is Dynamic Desktop?

Dynamic DesktopOne of the most primary tasks on a computer, working with files, is more complex than it needs to be. The more you work with a computer, the more difficult it gets to organize all files in folders. And after that: finding, loading and saving them again. Dynamic Desktop is a simple, but powerful tool to help with this task.

Dynamic Desktop serves as a replacement for your desktop. Where the standard desktop is a static pile of icons, files, sortcuts to programs, the icons on the Dynamic Desktop can be changed to the files related to the task you are working on. Dynamic Desktop also integrates with the common open/save dialogs of Windows and makes the files related to the task available with one click.

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Note: This is a beta-version. Download and install at your own risc. The software will work at most systems, but is best tested on Windows XP. .


Dynamic Desktop divides your desktop into three dynamic parts. On the top of the Dynamic Desktop, you'll see the folders inside your 'My Documents'-folder (or a custom folder you selected yourself). When clicking on one of the icons, the two lower parts of the desktop will change to represent the files inside the folder you selected. In this way, each of the entries in the upper part of the screen acts as a virtual desktop, containing the files and folders you need when working on your current task. You can easily drop and access all your files without messing up your desktop.

Unlike Explorer and other filemanagers, Dynamic Desktop treats shortcuts to folders the same as normal folders. So if you drop a shortcut to a folder, drive or networklocation into the upper part of the desktop, you will be able to use this location as if it resides on your desktop. The three main parts are actual representations of folders on your harddisk. Just like folders in explorer. So if you copy/rename/remove something in the desktop, it will actually be done on your harddisk.

Save as...Next to that, Dynamic Desktop is also available in the well-known dialog-windows, which are used by almost every program to save and load data (see illustration on the left, click to zoom in). Dynamic Desktop adds buttons to those dialogs, with which it is possible to have the same one-click access to the same data. This also saves many quests and mouseclicks in those small dialogs.


It was designed for Windows 9X/XP, but it still works, even on Windows 7. Only the integration with common open/save dialogs isn't available in most programs.

Download Dynamic_Desktop_Setup.exe

Wouter van Wijk (contact me at wouter.info)